Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family Life

Well, it's the week before Michael get's home, and we are so excited! Not to mention, my mother and Patti are counting the days. Addy is all ready to meet her uncle Michael. She knows his name well.

Lauren is very busy with his new calling of 'Young Men's President' and I am very busy as Nursery Coordinator. The Bishopric also asked him to speak this Sunday, and he has many deadlines at work to accomplish. I'm very proud of all the hard work he is doing.

A few days ago, I put Addy in her chair, with her washable markers-which she usaully colors the paper- at the table and left her for a minute or two. When I came back, I noticed that she was very interested in coloring eyes(which she has been over the past few days, just not all over her face.)So, she tried, and was successful in coloring ALL around her own eyes. Laugh out loud. She is also loving reading time. I am uploading a couple video's and pictures of the coloring below.

I'm busy gathering things for Christmas, and Thanksgiving next week, and I still can't believe that it's already that time of year. Well, this was just a quick blog to update all of you on what was going on in our family.