Monday, February 28, 2011


What an interesting language. This is the major class that I am taking this semester. What a difficult language to learn. But, as I learn it, I assume that many native spanish speakers think, “English, what a difficult language to learn.” I look at other languages such as Japanese, or even Egyptian, and I think, ‘ Wow!, that would be hard to learn.’

I”m at the point where it seems like I’m learning to talk backwards. For example, rather then saying I like that car, I’m saying the car pleases me. I’ve got alot to learn, but what’s great is that I’ve never dreamed that I’d be so passionate about learning another language. It’s alot of fun.

This last weekend, our family has still been sick, and we have such a wonderful neighbor to have brought us soup. I’m so lucky to have her in my life. She is a wonderful friend, and confidant. She has 2 beautiful little girls named Sadie and Lydia that my children love to play with. She is also so wonderful as to help by watching them on one of the days I go to school.

Here is a picture of all of them doing a teddy bear dance:

Well, I get to go pick my daughter up from preshool.

Friday, February 25, 2011

No Allergies!

Yesterday I took Coleman to his follow up appt. of his ear tube surgery. We recieved great news! He has no allergies. Not even to dairy! Wow!, so he might have an aversion to it, but we can definetly try to give him milk again. YAY! I’m so happy that he won’t always be stuck on a special diet of no dairy.

Also, I observed a miracle! Coleman was actually not whining at the doctors, or squirming when the doctor tried to look in his ears. He actually held the doctors hand yesterday. He must have known that it was the doctor’s doing on why he is feeling better. It’s just a great confirmation that he needed the tubes, and I feel bad that after all this time of him going through that pain, it took us so long to figure out the problem. Poor kid. He is so happy now, almost a different little boy.

Last night Lauren and I went on a movie date. We saw UNKNOWN with Liam Neeson . Overall, I thought it was a good movie, but it could’ve used more action. I also thought it was kind of a copy of Bourne Identity- but it did have some cool jumpy parts, and of course, I love that. The kids are still sick, and I’m getting sick. I have that yucky stuff in the back of my throat.

BTW, Here are some cute pic's of the kids, since I haven't put any up as of late.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's been over a year!

Well, It's been over a year since I have written. So, I thought I would make a bit of an entry today.

Addy is attending Preschool, YAY! and she is so smart. She is quite precocious. For instance,I'll ask her if would like a blanket and a pillow with her on the couch, and she will respond (being 4 years old) " No thank you, I'll probably be comfortable without them". It's easy for me to forget that she is only 4, and that she is just a little girl. And then, when she throws her tantrums, I have to remind myself that she is only 4, and it is to be expected at this age.

Addy loves to watch her daddy play nintendo games, especially Zelda. (Dad doesn't mind it at all) She loves outings, and playing with her little friends. It feels like she is getting bigger by the minute. I'm afraid I'll forget this precious time of her childhood.

Coleman, is two. He is such a cuddle bug. I love it! I remember when I was pregnant with him, and I discovered that the baby was a boy. Back then, I wasn't excited about having a little boy. I was really hoping for a little girl-thinking that they were cuter, less slobbery, they had cuter clothes and toys etc. But now that I have my son, I am absolutely in love with him, and I couldn't imagine my life without him. He is one of the highlights of my life. He is so cuddly and cute. When he wants our attention, he will grab our face with his hands, pointing our eyes at his, and say "doboo" which means sippy cup, or whatever else he wants.

Today, since we are all sick, I was going to lay down on the couch on a pillow that I had previously laid out, and rest, and I found him laying on the pillow ( how cute!) so, then I laid with him, and he cuddled with me for 20 min. I love how he is so touchy. He still either hasn't learned how to kiss, or he is not wanting to be too mushy, so instead of actually using his lips to touch our face, he will poke one of his fingers on your cheeks, as a kiss. It all began when at the beginning we said, "Coleman, kiss me" and we would point to our cheeks, illustrating where to kiss, and so he began poking our cheeks for a kiss.

Another one of his cute things he does is, when we ask him if he wants to watch the movie Toys or Cars, he will reply "Tars," or "Coys", I think to express that he wants both.

As for Lauren, he is excelling in his company at work. He has worked there a little more then a year, and he has already been told, numerous times, that they really appreciate his work, and they have offered him a promotion at work Assistant Creative Director.
And as for me, last fall, I decided (with the help of my family) to go back to school part-time, and that has been one of the best decisions I have made. Although I was hoping it would solve the problem of ADD, -being proof that I didn't have it, and that all I needed was some more to 'my world' but it didn't. I still have it, and it's been a struggle. I'm still learning about it. I feel like I'm going through the grief phases. 1. Shock, and Denial, 2. pain and Guilt, 3. Anger and bargaining, 4. Depression, and now Acceptance, and desire to work with it. I haven't reached the others yet. At first, I was so relieved that I told everyone that it was ADD. I always felt like there was something different about me, that no matter how hard I tried to explain it to someone else, they never understood, but now I know there isn't something different, and that it is ADD. Then, I went through the depression of having it, and the denial. Now after months of observing how I act, I do know, that I have it.

Not to say that it is only a 'handicap' but now that I know I can re-learn stategies to work with it. I know that there isn't something different about me, and I'm the only one that feels this way. It's been a struggle in many ways, such as the roller coaster of emotions, like some days I feel up to completing needed tasks, and ready to attack the day, and other days, or even hours or minutes, I don't want to do anything- but now knowing this, I can hopefully harness it, master it, and use if for my beneift. For those of you who think you might have it, or are interested in learning more about it, I suggest you go to which is a comical and informative website about it.

Well, That is it for today. Thanks for reading my long entry. And hopefully I'll see you tomorrow.