Thursday, October 9, 2008

6 months and still going...

Well, were coming to 6 months of being pregnant and we've decided that we will name our new little boy Joshua. We are still debating on the middle name. Maybe 'fire' or 'flame' or something. J/k. I think he will be a gymnist someday because he flips alot. Must have got that from his Uncle Shad on Lauren's side.

Addy is getting so big these days, and she is talking alot. We are beginning to understand her language better. The other day she bonked her head on the couch and when daddy came home, she told him, in her own language 'I got a bonk, I was sad, I bonked my head and I was sad. But I'm okay now, I'm okay.' It was really cute. We will also be able to pick up other conversations she is starting with us, like about her favorite book, 'Maisey's Colors'. She still LOVES to read, and LOVES to color. We started fingerpainting a few weeks back and I did a great job of teaching her not to paint onto her body, then her daddy comes along and teaches her how fun it is to paint circles/balls on the palms of her hands. So, now, whenever she paints, I'm confident we will be taking a bath afterwards. She gets paint ALL OVER HERSELF! I've provided some pictures below.

She is into singing alot, both in and out of the bathtub and she is very good at carrying on conversations over both the real and the pretend phone. She loves to switch the light on and off in the Living Room, and loves to see bugs out side. The other day she saw a beetle, and was looking at it with awe, saying 'bug, it's a bug' then she covered it with her food, (stepping on it) moved her foot, and said 'bug went bye bye' wondering where it went to. Ha Ha

She loves hats as you can tell and will be able to see in the following videos. She knows, mostly but not all of the animal sounds. And the colors Brown, Pink, and Yellow. Were still working on the others. She can tell when someone is sad, and goes to hug them. And says, 'no sad'.

Here are some pictures and videos of my gorgeous daughter: