Friday, February 25, 2011

No Allergies!

Yesterday I took Coleman to his follow up appt. of his ear tube surgery. We recieved great news! He has no allergies. Not even to dairy! Wow!, so he might have an aversion to it, but we can definetly try to give him milk again. YAY! I’m so happy that he won’t always be stuck on a special diet of no dairy.

Also, I observed a miracle! Coleman was actually not whining at the doctors, or squirming when the doctor tried to look in his ears. He actually held the doctors hand yesterday. He must have known that it was the doctor’s doing on why he is feeling better. It’s just a great confirmation that he needed the tubes, and I feel bad that after all this time of him going through that pain, it took us so long to figure out the problem. Poor kid. He is so happy now, almost a different little boy.

Last night Lauren and I went on a movie date. We saw UNKNOWN with Liam Neeson . Overall, I thought it was a good movie, but it could’ve used more action. I also thought it was kind of a copy of Bourne Identity- but it did have some cool jumpy parts, and of course, I love that. The kids are still sick, and I’m getting sick. I have that yucky stuff in the back of my throat.

BTW, Here are some cute pic's of the kids, since I haven't put any up as of late.


Lauren (Kip Mylo) said...

Very cute kids!

Unknown said...

So adorable. Every picture just makes me want to hug them.

Greg and Susan Stroud said...

I love the post and the pictures! Keep it up!

Love, Mom

Harmony said...

so happy for Coleman!
And I love the picture of you and him! You look so content and beautiful! And I'm so glad you're posting!