Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Policital Mumbo Jumbo

You know what bothers me? Well, besides having a piece of popcorn kernel stuck in my gums with no floss or toothpicks to get it out...?

It's all this political fluff that seems to emanate from the digestive regions of the presidential candidates and their campaigns. It's like a loud puff of foul stench that comes at an unwelcome and embarrassing time. Like as I'm sitting down to a deliciously prepared meal, thus causing me to loose my appetite, or as I'm sitting in a quiet room with hundreds of other people, and there's no way to blame it on the person next to me or to repeat the sound by rubbing my shoes together in an attempt to blame the outburst on something in-animate. Or, that time when I...well, you get the idea.

The air seems to reek lately with all this, and, quite frankly, it's making me a little queezy. Aren't these men old enough and experienced enough to have learnt to keep it in? Well, maybe McCain is too old to keep it in... And, many would argue that Obama certainly isn't experienced enough...

The point is, what ever happened to integrity, and honesty, and up-rightness, and the American dream that any good man--or woman-- can become president? What ever happened to playing fair? Did anybody every play fair when seeking out the most important political office in the world? I feel like I haven't looked up to a President of the United States as a truly noble leader since... well... ever in my life. (Granted I still haven't seen more than like 4 presidents during my lifetime, and I don't remember two of them).

What spawned all this cranial spewing? Well, this is the first time in my life where I have actively followed the presidential election. I've been watching the news and I've been trying to read up on political news here and there (though I get the strange feeling that the media is a bit liberal--who woulda thought?!?!)

Also, what really stunk up the room lately was a barrage of all sorts of very biased political e-mails forwarded to me, and I don't like it. Especially because most of them contain "references" that are only there to attempt to convince me that the horrible things that are being said about both candidates are founded in truth. But it all feels like scheming lies built up on lies to me. And, sadly, many of these forwarded e-mails come from loved ones. I am sure they didn't write the silly things, but I hope they don't buy into them entirely either.

By the way, I'm not upset at any of you who may have forwarded me one of those stinking heaps... I just fear that there are some people out there (certainly nobody I know) that aren't smart enough to figure out when they are being lied to or manipulated into taking a side. I hope I'm smart enough...

I recently read that racist comments and threats are being yelled out by some of those less intelligent types at political rallies, and that the GOP candidate was letting it go. Then, after several weeks of this going on and after public attention, he decided he better speak out and stop it from continuing. I'm not saying that only the Republicans are to blame. I hear the Democratic candidate claims that he is going to somehow cut 95% of American's taxes, and somehow offer me a wicked cool insurance plan... A government run Health Care plan? How does that save me money?

I will say that I am grateful for one of the outcomes of this reasty election year: the wonderful Saturday Night Live parodies of the debates and the conventions. They're like a warmly scented candle that temporarily masks the bad smells coming from the donkey and elephant rumps. Comedy gold, I tell you. Comedy gold!

So, what's the moral?

Keep it in or keep it silent... though, I suppose either of those could be deadly couldn't they?


Roundy Family Blog Spot said...

I'm glad that has been said. There is alot going on and I feel like I'm ready for the vote to be made and we just deal with the problem.

Bob said...


What a great post. You're a hilarious writer. Amen to everything you said.

P.S. And "reasty"? What a genius choice of word! I love it!