Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Get out of Jail Free!

As my daughter and I were playing chutes and ladders today, (her pretend version) she discovered bad people time out-I'm not sure where she learned this- IT WAS JAIL

I asked her why she was putting her pretend daddy's and mommy's in jail, and she said
They ate too many cookies!

So, the way we get out, and stay out of jail, is to stop eating so many cookies!
As for me, I might get caught some day eating too many cookies :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So, as you all know, I'm taking a few school classes in the evenings. So, yestesterday as I was dropping my kids off to be watched while I go to school, one of my neighbors saw me, and mentioned that she was suprised that I was without my children, and then I proceeded to tell her I was going to school, she said she was impressed- and that was pretty cool. Well, that got me thinking....It is pretty cool that I can go to school, while being a mom. It' s pretty cool that I have such wonderful loving people that support me in the endeavor. So, I just wanted to say....

.......... that I am grateful to be blessed with a wonderful husband who is willing to work full-time so I can be a stay at home mom AND that he is willing to go to work early so that I can go to school. I am also grateful that I have such a wonderful friend who is willing to watch my kids. I am grateful to my family who offer up such good support at this time and the support that have offered our family in the past.I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband, and I just wanted to say to him, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO , Your work doesn't go unnoticed.

Today we went to Wal-mart, YAY! What fun! So, at the wal-mart close by there is a fishtank that we always go see, it's become an event that we get to do when we go shopping. So, I recorded a cute movie of the kids looking at the fish, that you can see. ( Sadly, before I could catch it on tape, Cole was pressing his face up against the fish tanks, and was saying 'hey guys' repeatedly to them, it was the cutest thing)

What else was so cute , is in the movie you'll see that he starts to hit the fish tank, that's becuase if you listen closely ( sorry my phone speakers are not that good) Addy says 'let's scare'em' and then coleman follows is big sister and says 'ets are'm' and addy hits the tank and then coleman follows her example. :)

Later in the store, Addy and Coleman entertain themselves by running around and chasing eachother, then when Coleman get's lost, (I"ll be on the sidelines watching him, but he can't see me) he's yell as loud as possible "ADDeeY! Until he finds her. Heh heh

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So, it happened! Leprechauns came to our home! We must have had a lot of them because they made quite a mess. Addy placed a green ball into the trap, and woke up with it in her bed! My, these Leprechauns are sneaky.

The leprechauns left their hat, and Addy and Coleman searched for it, when they found it, (hidden underneath our shoe basket) there was Green clothes for them to wear and the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

The Leprechaun trap had been set off, and was down on the ground when we found it in the morning. Upon opening it we found the Capri Sun had been emptied-those leprechauns were thirsty-and the fruity colorful cereal we left for them was gone, and in it's place was a package of green M&M's and some Chocolate Gold coins. Addy is so excited about all of this. Everything she finds that is slightly out of place(even the items that were not part of the leprechauns mess) she assumed it was from them. It was the cutest thing.

The sad news: We didn't catch him this year, but there is always hope for the years to come.

Here are several of the before and after pictures.
Or you could go to facebook and check all of them out there.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patricks Day tomorrow, continued

I just wanted to say now, Addy is so excited to set a trap for the Leprachaun. She's in her room searching for a pot and some Gold to put under a make-shift trap we will do.

I love her thrill for things.

Saint Patricks Day

The holiday is tomorrow I know, but today in Preschool Addy's teacher celebrated it. She told the kids that Leprachauns can be sneaky . So, I guess the kids left the room, during their little recess, and then Mrs Kristi, ( Excuse me, the leprachaun :) ) went into the schoolroom and turned all the pictures upside down, and he left a note saying that he couldn't find his shoes, but if they could find them he would leave gold in them.

Well, I guess that Addy and first upon hearing that a Leprachaun came, was scared and wouldn't enter the room- and then since they came she wouldn't leave the teachers side. When I went to go pick her up, she had a mixture of emotions, one of them was the fear of a little green man, coming to mess up your place, but the other emotions was excitment about him coming, leaving gold and them finding his shoes.

So, our Original plan was to do an activity with the Leprachaun coming to our home tonight while the kids were sleeping, but now I'm unsure if I should do it. If she would be more excited or afraid. Any ideas on how to make the Leprachaun seem less scary?

But some of the cute things the kids ( I carpool Addy and another boy named Gabe) said were:

We were in the car on the way home, and we were talking about how Leprachauns leave places messy. And she said, (all on her own) - "That's why our house is always a mess mom! Leprachauns do it, then leave" -HAHA! I thought that was quite clever.

The other thing that was said between the two kids was, Addy said:

"I'm Scared of Leprachauns"

Then Gabe replied:

"I'll protect you Addy"

Isn't that the cutest? I love these kids, they are adorable.

A22On another topic- This week, we got a bunkbed! Coleman finally got to sleep in a big boy bed. We got him a set of Toys sheets and comforter, and Addy got new Tinkerbelle sheets/ blanket. It's so far gone very well, on the training him to stay in bed. He so far has been sleeping in the bed for two nights, and one nap and all three times, he went down no problem. He hasn't yet gotten up and out of bed, given his new found freedom. I'm so proud of him.

Addy loves her bunk bed, I just asked her what she likes about it and she said " Uh, the top thing" Hehe

Here are some pictures.