So, it happened! Leprechauns came to our home! We must have had a lot of them because they made quite a mess. Addy placed a green ball into the trap, and woke up with it in her bed! My, these Leprechauns are sneaky.
The leprechauns left their hat, and Addy and Coleman searched for it, when they found it, (hidden underneath our shoe basket) there was Green clothes for them to wear and the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
The Leprechaun trap had been set off, and was down on the ground when we found it in the morning. Upon opening it we found the Capri Sun had been emptied-those leprechauns were thirsty-and the fruity colorful cereal we left for them was gone, and in it's place was a package of green M&M's and some Chocolate Gold coins. Addy is so excited about all of this. Everything she finds that is slightly out of place(even the items that were not part of the leprechauns mess) she assumed it was from them. It was the cutest thing.
The sad news: We didn't catch him this year, but there is always hope for the years to come.
Here are several of the before and after pictures.
Or you could go to facebook and check all of them out there.
what a fun fun cute thing to do! good job mom and dad! your kids will never forget this and its part of what will make their childhood so special and magical to them! You're doing great!
What a fabulous event for your family. Harmony is right - this is what makes childhood so magical.
Great Job Mom and Dad!
The bunkbeds look great. Addy looks great in her green hat and Coleman looks as happy as a clam.
You are so creative. I would never have thought to do this. All I ever did for St. Patrick's Day was make sure my kids wore something green to school. You are a new generation creating new & fun memories for your children. I admire the energy and enthusiasm behind all you do.
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