Monday, April 4, 2011

Contructions for the Contractions

So, today we watched a blues clues episode that talked all about contraptions. After the show, Addy was so excited to make her own. She ran to me and said, "Mommy, Mommy, we have to make a contraction!" "A what? " I said, " A condaption!" She replied.

So, Addy is now so excited to make and build her own contraption. Here are a few of her ideas I quote:

" We could make a contraption so that when I need to wash my hands, it will turn on the sink, and put some soap on my hands. So we will need cardboard and glue to glue to the sink and we could make hands out of cardboard."

"We could make a contraption that would clean out my nose!"

"Oh, Mommy! We could make a contraption that would put my shoes on me, so I push on a button, and then glue and string would hold my shoe in the air, and it would fall on my foot"

She's such a smart little girl! Very creative and excited to try new things. So, here is a video of her making instructions for the contraptions that she wants to make.

She calls it the "constructions" Which I think is so adorable.


Greg and Susan Stroud said...

I love it!

Unknown said...

How cute! Sometimes you wonder if you want your kids watching something that gives them ideas. I remember Darrell especially being obsessed about making something that he saw on TV. It meant a great deal of work for me and a lot of frustration on Darrell's part because I couldn't make it right or I didn't have the right supplies or I didn't have the skill or I really didn't want to try to duplicate something he saw. It is fun to see your children be creative and excited. Good luck!